PAC-MAN 256 - Endless Maze2.1.1 - Google Play
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Publisher Description
PAC-MAN 256 - Endless Maze -
From the creators of Crossy Road, PAC-MAN 256 is the maze that never ends.
** Google Best Games of 2015 **
** Facebook The 10 Most Talked About Games of 2015 **
** The Game Awards 2015 Nominated Best Mobile/Handheld Game **
From the creators of Crossy Road…
Cherries are red
Ghosts are blue
Munch a power pellet
Get Lasers too!
PAC-MAN 256 is the maze that never ends. But the Glitch is coming for you…
• PAC-MAN perfectly reinvented for your mobile phone or tablet
• Outsmart ghosts with over 15 ridiculous power ups: Laser, Tornado, Giant and much more
• Stay ahead of the super-villain lurking in PAC-MAN since the beginning: The Glitch
• Take on a new gang of revived retro-ghosts including Sue, Funky, and Spunky
• Waka waka on PAC-DOTS and string a 256 combo for a super special surprise
• Controller support
• Play it on NVIDIA SHIELD
Featured on NVIDIA SHIELD Hub!
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